When he had not yet denounced, on Sunday at noon, the City of Beasain published the document, agreed by all parties. "At the moment we are facing an alleged attack," the note says. "The clarification of the facts collected is in the hands of the Ertzaintza and the medical services and the investigation continues. In this context, the City Council lends its full cooperation to the complainant and his family.
The municipal groups state that they ratify the joint declaration made on the holiday portal. "Sexual assaults are direct attacks on people's freedom, on people's dignity and are unacceptable. Parties must be free and secure. Aggression is not the result of a fun and banal game, but of machist violence. That is why we call on the people to actively engage the whole of society in dealing with these facts. The City Hall will do it too."
A protest and support rally for women was held in Beasain on Sunday afternoon, convened by Itaia.
Zur eta lur hartu dituzte Nafarroako Berdintasun teknikariek festa girorako enpresa zenbaitek egindako proposamenak. Edalontzia estaltzeko tapak edo eta edarian drogarik dagoen ikusteko eskumuturrekoak.
In Bilbao, I worked for five years with groups at risk of exclusion around the digital divide, especially with women. Along the way, I came across machistan violence and many other problems. In a very organic way, I began to relate to myself and to understand the work of the... [+]
On November 25, International Day against Male Violence, the Steilas Feminist Union Feminist Secretariat has published a poster: Our body is a battlefield, and all the schools in Hego Euskal Herria have received it. We wish to denounce the violence suffered by women and children... [+]
Udan izandako indarkeria kasuen gorakada batetik, eta hainbat gizonezkok mugimendu feministak antolaturiko ekitaldiak boikotatu dituztela bestetik, Bortziriak, Xareta, Azkain, Bertizarana, Malerreka eta Baztango mugimendu feministek, erakunde publikoen konpromiso irmoa exijitu... [+]
With the words of poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, I am one among so many cases, and not an isolated, rare or extraordinary case. Unfortunately, no. Among so many, one. In particular, according to the Council of Europe, and among other major institutions such as Save The Children,... [+]