The Salhaketa association reported that a woman died in Pamplona/Iruña prison on 8 November. The cellmate misadvised the prison workers, but they did not respond quickly enough. In the notice of the association it can be read "that the response of the prison leaders and the health professionals was not as fast as expected".
The event took place two months after the Government of Navarra took over responsibility for the health of the prison in Pamplona. However, the Pamplona/Iruña prison does not have 24-hour medical staff on call. According to the Salhaketa organization, "this measure is absolutely necessary if the specific health circumstances of prisoners are taken into account". At the time of death, the association considers that these two notices are "important" to the organization.
The Minister of Politics and Justice of Navarra, Eduardo Santos, has transferred his grief and condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased, "because all the deaths that occur in prisons are unfortunate". He has also called for "prudence" because the judicial investigation is underway and because the autopsy being carried out demonstrates the exact cause of death.
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