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Bildu Elkarlaguntza Sarea stops Tuesday's eviction in Basauri

  • The eviction order received by the basauriana Marisol Fernández Chica was dated November 15. On Tuesday, at 10:30 in the morning, Fernández and his youngest daughter were at risk of staying in the street. The fight undertaken with the Mutual Assistance Network, Batz, has succeeded in stopping the eviction. They are waiting for the new date.
Astelehenean Basauriko gizarte zerbitzuen aurrean egindako elkarretaratzea (Argazkia: Batu)

14 November 2022 - 12:49
Last updated: 21:08
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The 46-year-old Marisol Fernández Chica eviction order ran the risk of staying on the red street and her 14-year-old daughter, until on Monday afternoon they achieved desahuciarse.Con the battle started with the Mutual Assistance Network, have managed to break the immediate dismissal and have been waiting for the new date.

Fernández collects her testimony in a video. The loss of the usufruct of the house as a result of a complaint filed by the former couple and his daughter's father leads them to the current situation. He explains that, in due course and by mistake, he signed an agreement with his former partner, which has now served to expel Fernández and his daughter from home. "I reworked my life, that didn't like it and went to court," there's the reason.

The case of Fernández bears striking similarities with that of Joaquín de Arrigorriaga, known a year ago by the Elkarrekin Laguntza Union. Both situations are a consequence of the male violence exerted through patrimony, and the eviction that can be considered the culminating moment of such violence materializes around the date indicated on November 25, International Day against Violence against Women. Joaquín was expelled from the home on 25 November, when Batu denounced that the same who with the purple dots are manifesting themselves in favor of equality are those who fired a woman suffering from male violence on 25 November.

Mobilisations to curb eviction

To avoid the same evolution in the case of Fernández, Batu meets Basauri's social services on Monday at noon. According to Fernández in the video, the social services are responsible for offering a shelter for her and her daughter in case of homelessness.

On Tuesday, when the eviction was ordered, it was called mobilization in front of Fernández's house. In order to stop eviction, the citizens were called to approach the number 26 of Calle Andalucía at 09:00. In the afternoon, however, they report that mobilisation has been cancelled because they have succeeded in stopping the eviction of tomorrow.


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