Elorduy Foundation Manager Fernando Ibarra explained that eight workers at the residence were finally positive (they were waiting for the results of several tests carried out on Monday). Although they have no symptoms, they are at home in quarantine, so those in charge of the residence have started hiring replacement personnel. Five have started work and others are waiting.
"In particular, we are waiting for the result of PCR tests on the substitutes to be started," said Ibarra. The contracted people are transferred to a hospital in Zorrozaurre for testing, which at the moment will cost the Elorduy residence itself, although in the future they want to claim Osakidetza that money.
Fernando Ibarra notes that the situation is "stable" and that most positives have no symptoms. He has died in patients with COVID-19, but not as a result of that illness, as explained by the chief responsible for the residence. In an interview given to the newspaper El País, Ibarra explained that only certain workers have contact with residents who have tested positive in the ere. The latter bring them to the same plant and cannot access other plants, while the uncontaminated ones do not enter this plant. The staff is not found reciprocally inside the residence, since each floor has its own access and the changing rooms are different. The workers come together in the parking lot and get away enough from each other.