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Sara Majarenas e Izarri expressed solidarity in San Sebastian

  • On the great day of the regatta, Sara Majarenas and Izarri have expressed solidarity and have ensured that justice can only be achieved with the pressure of society.
Sara eta Izarren aldeko manifestazioa. Argazkia: @HiriBizia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On February 15, the judge released the former partner of Sara Majarenas, who in 2017 tried to stab her two-year-old daughter, who was then in the Valencian prison of Picassent. Although the Prosecutor's Office and the private prosecution had asked her ex-partner to remain in prison for the duration of the trial, the judge released her on the grounds that she saw no "risk of leakage".

The mother of Majarenas, Kontxi Ibarrondo, has stated that she does not expect much from justice because they have not shown that work is being done for them. The organizers have called for society to move, as in the group violation of Pamplona, as only social pressure can achieve “real justice”.

The organizers have recalled that Sara and Izar live under fear and threat after their former partner was released on 15 February. “But they are not the only ones: In Hego Euskal Herria, 4,869 women are subject to judicial measures. And there are many more who live under threat but do not have any measures,” he said.

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2019-10-24 | ARGIA
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The Provincial Court of Valencia has sentenced Stytianos Messinezis to 28 years in prison for attempting to murder her daughter Izar and to cause psychological injuries to her mother, Sara Majarenas.

2019-09-11 | ARGIA
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2019-08-27 | Irutxuloko Hitza
A demonstration in favour of another model of justice will be held on 8 September
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2019-06-13 | ARGIA
The judges decide to keep the aggressor of Majarenas and his daughter temporarily free
The Provincial Court of Valencia has decided that the aggressor, Stytianos Messinezis, will remain in provisional freedom when considering that he has complied with the established requirements. The trial against him for these events will be held next July.

2019-06-11 | ARGIA
The Prosecutor's Office Requests Prison for Sara Majarenas and Her Daughter's Aggressor
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2019-02-21 | ARGIA
Concentration in Donostia-San Sebastian to denounce that the aggressor of the daughter of Majarenas will remain at liberty
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2019-02-19 | ARGIA
Liberated Stytianos Messinezis, the man who attempted to assassinate Sara Majarenas' daughter
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VIDEO | Massive welcome by Sara Majarenas in Intxaurrondo
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2018-04-09 | ARGIA
Prisoner Sara Majarenas released after 13 years in prison
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Juana Rivas, Sara Majarenas eta XXI. mendeko miserikordia etxeez

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2017-08-10 | ARGIA
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2017-06-20 | ARGIA
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Milaka pertsonak eskatu dute Sara Majarenas eta Izarren askatasuna

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Eguneraketa berriak daude