The French Minister of Housing, Guillaume Kasbarian, and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, will be in Baiona this Friday, among other places, at a public meeting. In this regard, the Herrian Bizi platform calls for a housing right rally: at 18:00 at the Baiona Association House. EH Bai and Alda join the call for concentration. They have a visit as part of the European election campaign.
It will be a mobilisation to denounce the measures taken by the French Government on housing. On the one hand, they will regret the "choice of repression" with the law voted against occupations last summer. On the other hand, they denounce that the measures that they have just voted to respond to the housing crisis have been taken for the benefit of the only ones: "They are measures that enter into an exaggerated liberalism that does not meet the needs of citizens who do not manage to access adequate housing, always advocating the same part of the citizenship".
Alokairuen bidezko espekulazioa oztopatzeko neurria azaroaren 25etik goiti izanen da indarrean Ipar Euskal Herrian. Momentuko, tentsiopean diren Lapurdiko 24 herriei eraginen die: Ahetze, Angelu, Arbona, Arrangoitze, Azkaine, Basusarri, Baiona, Biarritz, Bidarte, Biriatu,... [+]
The disaster caused by the cold drop in Valencia has left us dramatic images, both because of the immediate consequences it has had, and because the future awaiting us has brought us forward: that this type of extreme climate phenomena will be increasingly numerous and serious... [+]
The housing problem is a structural problem that comes from far away. What should be a human right is nothing more than a subjective right. I say that it is a fraud because, although all the institutions and all the political parties say nice words, they do not grasp the... [+]
Frantziako Estatuko diputatuak eta senatariak ados jarri dira. Orain arte, alokairu turistiko bat alokatzen zutenek etekinen %50 zergapetik kentzeko aukera zuten, urte osoko alokatzaileek, berriz, %30. Lege proposamenak biak hein berdinera ekarriko ditu, hots, %30era.