Concentrations against selectivity convened by the organisation Ikasle Abertzaleak. They denounce that it is a mechanism to deepen educational elitization. The first mobilization took place at the Public University of Navarra on June 6 and the rest on June 8.
According to the students' organization, selectivity fulfills a series of functions: it is a mechanism of curriculum imposition, increases competitiveness and individualism among students and is a means of social filter.
They say it is a mechanism for the imposition of the curriculum because it condemns students to “work” very concretely. In addition, they denounce that the analysis capacity is prioritized, leaving aside the individual rhythm and the needs of the students.
They add that, far from promoting solidarity among pupils, competitiveness and individualism increase, because it shows that there are solutions based on results.
Finally, the organization considers that selectivity is a means of social filter. Students who have had difficulty in pursuing the course (e.g. those who are unable to pay private tuition) are in worse condition.
So what?
They advocate universal access to university and stress the need for an organization for this.
Selektibitatea hurbiltzen ari da, eta ezjakintasuna nabaria da.
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Selektibitatea eta Baxoa frogak gertu dauden honetan, Ikasle Abertzaleek Selektibitateari ez! esango diote ekainaren 6an Gasteizko, Donostiako, Leioako, Bilboko eta Iruñeko fakultateetan. Selektibitatea froga “arrotz eta zapaltzailea” dela diote,... [+]
Selektibitatearen antzekoa, baina LOMCEren curriculumari segituko dion proba izanen da NUPek eta Hezkuntzak prestatuko dutena.