In a note sent to Argia, they explained that the French State created the FIXAIT file in 2015, following the attacks in Paris. "From there, all those who have been convicted of terrorism have been retroactively reintegrated at the age of ten." The inclusion of his name in the file implies a series of strict requirements: the need to justify every three months the address at the police station or within fifteen days to express his intention to travel abroad, among others.
Irigoien has been tried for not accepting these conditions and on 12 March the court will decide on their content. "We believe that the fact that it is part of the FIXAIT file is an unacceptable second condemnation, as it obliges it to comply with harsh conditions that undermine its care," he added. Once the conviction has been fulfilled, without retrial and because these are obligations that are retroactively added, we strongly denounce this other restriction of freedom."
They will support Peio and all the people who show input "to this untenable situation".
There are many Basque citizens in the Fixait files, although some do not even find out that they are on the list, as recently reported by lawyer Paulus-Basurco. The registration of files lasts 20 years.
Isabelle Pargade Hazparneko auzapezak ofizialki eman dizkio Ttattola gaztetxeari lokal berriaren gakoak. Bien arteko negoziaketa luze batzuen ondorio da.
A house in Aiherra, bought six years ago for 250,000 euros, today for sale for 1.6 million euros. Last Saturday nearly 50 citizens joined the real estate agency Puyo de Hazparne to denounce the speculative sale of the Etxetxuri estate. During the development of the action, the... [+]
Horien artean da Armendaritze, eta ondorioz, baratze eta landare ureztatzea bakarrik arratseko 20:00 orenetarik goiti egin beharko dira, eta auto garbiketak edo pizina betetzeak debekatuak izanen dira.