“No to the Basques! Respect for linguistic rights”, will be concentrated on Wednesday in Durango, at 19:30 in front of the Ertzaintza police station. The mobilization has been called by Euskal Herrian Euskaraz to denounce that on the January 30 strike the Ertzaintza violated the linguistic right of a striker. On the other hand, there is also a call for the use of the Administration.
The affected striker himself, the day after the strike, denounced through social media that the strikers "have violated their civil and linguistic rights". In a Twitter thread, Jonathan reported what happened the day before in the Twitter microblogging network. As he indicated, when a group of strikers was wandering around the piquet, riot officers approached them and forced them to stay still on the spot. When the strikers stopped, the police turned to them “running and hitting,” and beat several people and identified one. When he believed he recognized the agent who had hit him, he reproached the coup and the agents began to hit him again. At that time, an agent arrinked him and asked him to identify himself, at which time there was a violation of language rights.
The ertzaina asked the striker to identify him in Spanish and he asked him to do so in Basque, although he assured that the ertzaina was not able to communicate in Basque. When the police colleague asked him about the reason for the identification, the detainee indicated that he had been threatened, according to the person concerned. “The mere fact of speaking in Euskera (whatever it is) is a threat to our people, especially for those who do not know Euskera and do not intend to learn,” he said.
The Ertzaines informed the authority that a dossier was to be filed for contempt of authority.
“We were violated by civil and linguistic rights, imagining ourselves once again oppressed. Punishments, which they know I will continue to disobey policemen, authorities and laws that violate the rights of Basque workers,” said the striker.
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