COVID-19 has generated many doubts in all towns and neighbourhoods, without knowing how celebrations can be held. In this sense, many municipalities have suspended the festivities directly, while others have chosen to adapt them. In the case of Getxo, the City of Getxo decided to suspend all summer celebrations, after knowing that it was an agreement with the Municipal Party Commission. However, the Algorta Party Commission has strongly criticized this possible agreement and regretted that there was no consensus in making this decision, nor a permanent relationship to seek a solution to the parties.
Thus, the members of the party commission have called to manifest themselves tomorrow, Wednesday, "on the day and time that would be the beginning of the festivities". As explained, with this manifestation they want to make "clear and absolutely" the position of the City Hall in relation to the management of this year's festivities: "It has not been acceptable; the proposals of the party commissions have not been taken into account, the parties have been suspended unilaterally, the discrepancies of the party commissions have been used to justify some decisions... That is not the case! We are prepared to cooperate, but not to abide by the decisions imposed! ".
They have therefore called for the participation of all citizens in this mobilization: "Because they're also your popular holidays!" ". The members of the party commission have prepared a series of instructions to participate in the mobilization and have requested that they be respected:
1. Bring the scarf of this year's festivities. They are for sale in various shops and bars of the town.
2nd Respect the health and safety criteria: bring the mask from home, maintain the minimum safety distance between people and follow the instructions and instructions of the members of the organization.
2nd Spread the call in your environment!
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".