The military expedition initiated by Magallanes and carried out by the Getariarra Joan Sebastián Elkano has been established in the budgets of Andalusia as "the importance" of the American conquest. The budgetary agreement reached by pp, Citizens and VOX to value "the feats that have been a before and after in the history of Spain" has given its point 31. America is called the "new world", the conquest "discovery", the looting "trade relations", the original peoples "Hispanic countries"... in three paragraphs plagued by language and imperialist vision.
Under the title "1492: A new world", the first round of the world and the conquest of America are proclaimed as a scientific, technical and cultural feat. It says: "The discovery of the New World was not only an innovative and colonizing action, but it was also a scientific and technical feat," he added.
Over and above the "black legend" that explains the negative consequences of American colonization, a program will be developed to "analyze and place in the place that deserves the consequences of these feats in history and humanity in general".
Elkano Foundation collaborates with the Junta de Andalucía
The foundation created at the CAV to commemorate the Fifth Centenary of the Return to the World of Elkano presented in December 2018 its project in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Seville). Seeing that they share vision, after that trip they established bridges of collaboration with the Junta de Andalucía (currently in the hands of pp and citizens, with the support of VOX). According to the Elkano Foundation, "this Elkano feat had a very important impact on industry, maritime technology, food, international trade or thought and culture."
The result of this collaboration are several initiatives of tourism promotion, such as the creation of the "Tourist Cultural Route Guetaria-Sanlucar de Barrameda" or the boat connection of Getaria and Seville by Unai Basurko between September and October.
Two friends offered a small rap performance in the plaza and musutruk, after a simple popular meal. With a song, we were reminded that a neighbor, a young man, recently passed away. Money had to be raised to return the body to its hometown. Oh, that mother of mine! Your child's... [+]
Unconscious day-to-day exercise has become a topic during your stay in the Basque Country. I haven't been there for many days and I've been squeezing my breath several times... I'm an observer trying to find and rediscover my people. If I didn’t want to see things before or if... [+]