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The xenophobic statements of the priest of CASCANTE provoke the complaints of the faithful

  • "I have nothing against the Muslims"... but less and less believers go to Mass in the sermon of the patron feasts of the priest of Cascante, Jesús Planillo Bartos. This has provoked a great murmur among the parishioners, who have been forced to ask for forgiveness from the priest.
Jesús Planillo Bartos, Cascanteko Romeroko Amaren Basilikan emandako mezan.

02 September 2024 - 09:12
Last updated: 10:12

In the video disseminated through social networks (beginning in the second 40), the priest has begun to talk about the prisoners of several Andalusian parishes. "I became painfully." In a village of 15,000 people, where there are three schools and an institute -- 40 percent of the population is Muslim -- and I have nothing against Muslims -- what happens is that now there are 40 people who go to Sunday Mass, when the first church was full. It's a shame, isn't it? In the neighbouring town it is not 40%, but 60%. Whole families sneak out of the neighborhood because they can't live there. Why? Because the public authorities give immigrants all kinds of facilities -- which I think is good. What about nationals? ".

The words of the priest caused a murmur in the church. "I don't want you to talk, we're in the church," he told them. "I don't mean politics. Then you'll say I'm talking about politics. No, I'm talking about the heart of a mother who comes to celebrate it here... Pastor Francisco Javier Aramendia approaches Planillo and murmurs to the ear. Afterwards, Planillo apologized and requested the "immediate release" of the young woman. "I don't want to bother anybody. You are my people, I have not come to that. "I am not ashamed to say some details; it is not for offending anyone, but for teaching the dispositions that God teaches us to heal the heart."

Declarations "transfobas" of the bishop of Begoña

What happened at CASCANTE is reminiscent of the Mass held two weeks ago in the church of Begoña by the Bishop of Bilbao, Joseba Segura. At the Mass held on Virgin Day, Segura was accused of making transphobic comments, as can be read in "You can't be your identity, whether you're a man, a woman, or something between them, as you want to be the body in which we've been born," the bishop said.

Iratxe Uriarte, director of the Conselho de la Juventud de Euskadi, in an interview at Euskadi Radio, denounced that Segura's statements are transfobas and that this type of discourse "moves away from the values taught by Catholicism, as love for others". In addition, the bishop accused the bishop of "protecting the reactionary wave that is booming in Euskal Herria and in the Spanish state and making fairly transgressive statements".



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