About a hundred residents are currently in the residence of Elizondo and the transition to greater health and sustainability of the menus prepared in their kitchen is what the City Hall has driven. “To start with, we saw how the kitchen was, how they worked, and defined criteria for a healthier and more sustainable diet: to have the freshest possible food, to take into account the proximity criterion, to promote the ecological model and, in the case of livestock, to be extensive,” said Lizarreta. In addition to these criteria, the criterion of human size farms established by the EHKOlektiboa has been taken into account when designing new menus and selecting ingredients. It is also essential that the menus be nutritionally balanced and suitable for the elderly.
“The transition has not been easy, we started in June, first with breakfasts, lunches and snacks: dairy, juices and compotes, bread… So we put them in.” After this first step, the pilot test has been started in August to prepare the remaining meals according to the new criteria. “We have introduced producers from all families of vegetables, eggs, fruits and, in general, food. What is not supplemented by local producers is achieved through Ekoalde, and in the case of meat and fish we are working with local trade,” explains Lizarreta.
The organization of menus according to the supply and seasonality of the products of the region has required collaboration with local producers and food return associations. “We have had to work a lot with the primary sector and with Cederna Garalur, a dozen producers from Baztan-Bidasoa have been involved in the process. In a way, we have taken a picture of the current reality of the sector.” In this elaboration, they have detected the lack of production of vegetables and fruits in the region to meet the needs of the residence. Identifying gaps and providing clues to new projects that may arise in the future is another objective of the project.
“This is a pilot test, we’ll go see how it goes. We have also held talks and training sessions with the workers of the residence, with the residents, with the families… And, for the moment, the answer is being good”, says the councilor. Aware of the great potential of the kitchen of the residence, the idea of creating in the future a central kitchen for the valley is also there. It will be a step-by-step and step-by-step path.
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