The Lekitto Bedarra project was launched by several residents of Lekeitio in 2013 and was presented at the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. “Here were many speculative projects, and we created the group as an alternative,” explains Julian Arrate. In Lekeitio there was a great tradition of horticulture, so it was intended to launch the vegetable garden of the population and create a space for sharing knowledge. In recent years they have worked in auzolan and now, in view of the situation generated by the coronavirus, they have launched a new project: they are producing vegetables so that the people who need it most can get them through the Lekeitio support networks.
About a dozen people are immersed in the Lekitto Bedarra project. Until now, the vegetables that were produced in the vegetable garden of the population were distributed among those who worked in auzolan or assisted the shops of the area. But in the face of the coronavirus situation, Lekittarrok launched the Zaindu network, and it occurred to them that fresh vegetables from the orchard could be spread in another direction. “We set out to think about how we could make our contribution to this support network that emerged in the village, and we came to think about giving them the kind we produce in the garden,” says Arrate.
The food bank, managed by the Red Cross, went to them for what they put out of the garden. “In the distribution of food, especially preserves, pastes, etc., there are no fresh genera. Their officials told us that it would be very good for them to pick up our vegetables, because people are very grateful for fresh things.” Knowing that the Association of Folk Mothers of the People was also responsible for the distribution of food, also through them began to distribute vegetables from the vegetable garden. Contributions to the two associations have been made on 11 occasions, with baskets of ten kilos each: in total some 110 kilos of fresh vegetables have been distributed.
Arrate explained that the degree of commitment of the project partners has increased in the implementation of this project. In fact, they used to work fairly freely, but if they do not produce now they cannot cope with the commitment made to the associations. Therefore, they have started to gather at least twice a week to plant and plant plants.
Coinciding with the increase in activity, the members of the group have been forced in recent months to reserve a space for the work tools and others, and now they are working on the construction of a small chabola, in which the base that was on the hillside was smoothed, and now the City Hall has demolished the cement. A campaign has been launched to raise funds for the construction of the chabola. To do so, they have put on sale the land they have brought in the auzolans in sacks of 20 kilos: solidarity land, as they say in the campaign and as you can see in the photo.
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