In total, the windows of a total of 98 establishments have been blackened. The aim was to make the public aware of what would happen if small shops were closed. “Small shops illuminate the streets, increase security, and if the streets were closed they would be dark and black.” The leaders of Txankakua have pointed out that the campaign has had a major impact on the citizens, and they have been pleased. The aim was to change the purchasing habits of citizens in order to influence the consciences, which they have achieved in part, according to the association of traders. Ruth Garate, a member of Txankakuako, explained the campaign to BARREN. You can see it in the video.
Baxenabarre eta Xiberoako merkataritza bultzatzeko xedez sortu zen Euskal Herria Bihotzean elkartea, duela hamabost urte. Erosketak hurbileko saltegietan egiteko usaia zabaltzeko, opari eta kultura txekeak sortu zituzten.
Beterri-Buruntzako hainbat enpresa eta eragile biltzen dituen ekimenak ostegunean aurkeztuko ditu bere ekintza plana eta aurtengo helburuak, Usurbilen. 2019an sortua, parte hartzean oinarrituriko proiektuen ekosistema sustatu nahi du sareak eskualdean, ekonomia eraldatzailearen... [+]
It is well known that the question of competition is crucial in the economic field. It says that it determines the distribution of powers. And if we are more demanding, we can say that it also establishes who has the power and therefore who does not exercise it. The main... [+]
Argantzungo eta Trebiñuko udaletako osoko bilkurek gehiengo osoz erabaki dute lan-mahai bat sortzea, egun Burgoseko probintziaren administraziopean dagoen barrundia ofizialki Arabako parte izatea lortzeko.