Since last week the 27% rise in the price of electricity was made public, the unrest has spread among the citizens. They have therefore called on the electricity company Iberdrola to "channel and mobilize its complaints". Thus, today, Wednesday, the convoys have called to focus on Iberdrola’s customer service point in number 15 of Calle Colón de Larreategi in Bilbao. In addition, they have called on the points of interest of the same electricity company in Uribe Kosta to deal with complaints raised in the area. Thus, about 40 people, called by the GuNe group, have today concentrated in the Iberdrola care office on Basagoiti Avenue, 64 of Algorta.
According to the callers, "as long as large electricity companies continue to grow rich, thousands and thousands of people will not be able to turn on their heating during these days." They have also denounced the rise being made in the middle of the cold wave, "in the middle of the season of the longest snowfall of a long time ago."
Three. A few years ago, Iberdrola commissioned us to replace the analogue meter with a digital one. Workers were sent home from time to time without notice. We doubted those unusual interests and issues that forced us to change the counter and that the counter in the house... [+]
Azken hilabeteotan Iberiar Penintsulako handizkako merkatuan argindarraren prezioa etengabe ari da gora egiten. Urriaren 5ean, historian lehen aldiz, orduko megawattak (MWh) 200 euroko langa gainditu zuen, eta ordutik muga horren gainetik dago prezioa. Zer dela eta aldatzen da... [+]