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Ehun gives instructions to "combat power mafias"

  • Under the slogan Turn the Autonomous Region off, ignites the Basque Republic, they have also covered the lights of the Basque Government and broadcast them in a video. The Basque Republican movement sees a dark present and the future even more, and it is clear that ending the structural problems "under Spain and under France" is "impossible".
Ehunek "elektriken mafiei aurre egiteko" jarraibideak eman ditu eta Eusko Jaurlaritzako argiak estali, bideo batean. / Argazkia: Ehun

16 January 2023 - 16:38

The Movement for the One Hundred Basque Republic has covered the lights of the headquarters of the Basque Government under the motto Turn the autonomism off, ignites the Basque republic. They broadcast it with a video and with it they give instructions to "fight the power mafias."

The note to contextualize the action is "the oligopoly of energy, the speculation of housing, the technological sophistication of repression, vulture funds, the climate crisis, the privatization of education, health, pensions or communicative public surveillance: We say without mourning: you can not under Spain, you can not under France, under autonomism it is impossible to solve structural problems", claimed.

Ehun sees a dark present and the future even more. They denounce that the elites do business with which we consider "structural problems", and that they will continue to do so until they are subject to the 78 regime or the French regime.

Therefore, they invite all popular movements to reflect and debate on the "state question": "So we would open up new opportunities to overcome the oppression we suffer," they believe.

Likewise, they have remembered that the doors to join the movement are open "for those who want a life worth living."

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