The president of the Ecuadorian Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (CONAIE), Jaime Vargas, has called for the resignation of the Ecuadorian Defense Advisor. It has also appealed to the authorities to implement the Constitution and to respect the rights of indigenous peoples.
The citizens confirmed the repeal of Decree 883, and the president of the Conaie thanked the efforts and struggle of the Ecuadorians. The riots and attacks resulted in eight deaths and more than 2,000 injuries. In addition, 1,192 persons were arrested, of whom 286 were charged on various charges and charged several charges. Faced with this situation, the Catalan Football Confederation has demanded the release of the prisoners.
Oinarrizko maia komunitateko U Yich Lu’um [Lurraren fruitu] organizazioko kide da, eta hizkuntza biziberritzea helburu duen Yúnyum erakundekoa. Bestalde, antropologoa da, hezkuntza prozesuen bideratzaile, eta emakumearen eskubideen aldeko aktibista eta militante... [+]
It is no coincidence that Columbus Day, that of the Civil Guard and the Virgen del Pilar coincided on that date. The three represent oppressive structures (statue, army and church). On the other hand, there is indigenous resistance and population that the Spanish State... [+]
When in the 16th century the Spanish conqueror Francisco de Orellana sailed the Amazon River, he said that there were big cities on both sides of the river. Few believed then, let alone in the following centuries, when no trace of what the conquest itself had destroyed was... [+]
On March 23, the prestigious French publisher Seuil launched a new literary section called “Indigenous Voices”. On the web Un livre dans ma valise (A book in my beacon), the director of the section Laurence Baulande explained that then the aim of the project is to publish... [+]
Pasa den abendutik Perun gertatzen ari diren istiluak, herrialdearen egoera politiko ahularekin lotu dituzte munduko hedabide nagusiek. Pedro Castillo presidente ezkertiarraren noraeza, haren kargugabetzea, Andeetako eskualdeetako herritarren altxamendua eta haien kontrako... [+]
Ostegun honetarako manifestazio handia espero da Liman Dina Boluarte kargutik kendu, parlamentua desegin eta Perurentzako beste konstituzio bat eskatzeko. Herritar asko autobusez eta kamioiez karabanetan antolatuta iritsi da hegoaldeko eskualdeetatik herrialdeko hiribururaino.