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Ekologistak Martxan denounces the presence of lindane in the landfill of Egirleta in Bilbao

  • Ekologistak Martxan continues research into the management of hazardous waste and landfill contaminated with lindane. On this occasion, the environmental organization has found Lindane in the kennel of Egirleta, known as the Alto de Santo Domingo, in Spanish. The landfill is already closed, but the substances deposited there can continue to contaminate the water and the people living in the area.

10 April 2020 - 12:07
(Argazkia: Ekologistak Martxan)

This is the second ballot paper in Bilbao where the environmental association locates hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) after its meeting in Enekuri: Egirleta or Santo Domingo. Although the landfill is already closed, the substances deposited in it can continue to contaminate the water and the people living in the area.

The Basque Government, through the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing, was aware of the existence of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). As well as providing proof, Ekologistak Martxan has collected the following irregularities:

“We denounce the contamination of the landfill by a hazardous substance that has priority (…). The site is home that can be damaged to these products, as well as a telecommunications installation on this contaminated area. (…) The Contaminated Soils Act states that nothing appears to have been communicated by developers. (…) Access to such a location should therefore be monitored and limited.”

It is not the first time that the environmental association has lodged a complaint for the same reason, according to the same source. It did so in the landfill of Enekuri, located in Bilbao, in Jata de Lemoiz, in Modorreta del Regato and in Etxeuli, in Santurtzi. In all the cases cited, the Administration was aware of lindane contamination prior to the filing of the complaints. However, it did not and has not done anything to prevent the dispersion and effects of lindane.

For this reason, Ekologistak Martxan has denounced “the attitude of the administration that was aware of the contamination and had not taken any measures to correct or minimize its consequences.”


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