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Ekologistak Martxan denounces the risk of works for the bridge between Barakaldo and Erandio

  • From the environmental organization they see with concern the announcement of 87,000 cubic meters of river bottom dredging for the construction of the bridge between Barakaldo and Erandio. It has denounced the waste of public money, the irresponsibility and lack of planning by the authorities, as well as the "haste" in the execution of the works.

04 July 2024 - 12:03
Last updated: 14:42
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Ekologistak Martxan asks the authorities if they have taken into account that at this point of the river the “lindane” pollutes water, as the AZTI study states. “The sediments that form the bed of the estuary may be contaminated by the industrial activity of the area, so they should be characterized before performing any action for its elimination,” said Javier Vázquez, head of Aguas de Ekologistak Martxan. The "urgency" of dredging 87,000 cubic meters has been announced to build a pedestrian and cyclable bridge between Barakaldo and Erandio, which will prevent the growth of the Ebro.


Taking into account the size of the work and the potential contamination of the sediments to be removed, Vázquez considers that this work cannot be done urgently and should have an environmental resolution that "determines whether or not there are contaminants and what they would be". The Water Manager adds that once these pollutants have been identified they must be managed by the authorities: “They must indicate how the works are to be carried out in order to avoid disturbances, who will manage them, how they are transported and where these wastes are deposited.” All these measures must be taken into account to "not jeopardize" the health of the environment and people, in Vázquez's motto.


The procurement process opened by the Port Authority is in the tender phase, with a budget of EUR 1.4 million, according to Ekologistak Martxan. In addition, environmentalists have criticised the fact that the works have been presented as "urgent", with the intention that the bridge project will be completed 20 years ago. They call on the Basque Government, Provincial Council of Bizkaia, URA, Ministry of the Environment, Coasts and Port Authority "to put aside emergencies and act responsibly".

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