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Jorge Riechmann will talk about "Environmentalism facing the dilemmas of the energy transition" in Vitoria

  • In the colloquium to be held by Adrián Almazán, Jorge Riechmann, a left-wing ecologist in Madrid, will present his book Environmentalism, past and present (with some ideas about the future). The talk organized by Araba Bizirik will take place on 11 March at 18:30 in the Artium of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

07 March 2024 - 13:45

Jorge Riechmann is a member of the Ecological Groups in Action and the Anti-Capitalist Left and drives "Social Pathological Environmentalism" (Decrezentist). Also a professor of ethics and political philosophy at the Autonomous University of Madrid, he has participated in direct actions such as the arrest in 2019 for the closure of a bridge in the protest organized by Extinction Rebellion and the sentence to 21 months in jail for having launched biodegradable painting in protest to the Congress of Deputies in 2022.

Riehcmann writes poetry and ecological essays. For example, has the smartphone beat the environmental movement? or socialism can only come by bicycle.

Adrián Almazán presents the conference he will offer in Vitoria-Gasteiz from the recently published book Environmentalism, past and present with some ideas about the future. Here you can read the recent interview by Urko Apaolaza to Almazán. Here's the conference poster.


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