On the banners with the slogan "No to the TAV" and "Exproprizererik ez, TAV money for social needs", a group of activists entered Tuesday afternoon in the Culture Hall of the City Hall of Lezo to impede expropriation. The note submitted by the group of entrepreneurs indicates that "the expropriations were to be signed under the City Hall of Lezo", with the objective of opening the way to the TAV in the section between Irun and Donostia.
The group of activists suspended the session when "officials from different administrations" met at the town hall. In these times of great social needs, these kinds of projects denounced the waste, development and destruction of the land. As a result of the pressure exerted, the sitting was suspended. However, the protest has not been concluded and more mobilisations have been called, "knowing that these days the expropriations for the expansion of the railway lines between Irun and Donostia are taking place". So, at 09:30 this Wednesday they have concentrated in front of the City of Orereta and on Thursday they will concentrate in front of the City Hall of Oiartzun at 17:30 hours.
We have been with the "summer snake" over the TAV for a few weeks and with the possibility of linking the "Basque Y" from Pamplona, from Ezkio or Vitoria.
It is disappointing to see that our People continue to depend on decisions concerned and not supported by the galgos and... [+]
In the spring of last year, in Sakana, in Izan and Goierri, flooding was introduced in the municipalities of these areas for the conduct of geological surveys for the works of the TAV. In the canyoning 15 surveys have been requested in the municipalities, from Erro to Olazti /... [+]
Although immersed in an unprecedented eco-social crisis, the administration continues at all costs with the work of the TAV, destroying the territory and squandering the resources essential to social needs. The works of the Castejón Bridge and the Tafalla Campanas subsection,... [+]
Next Saturday, May 11, AHT Gelditu! Navarra organizes in Pamplona the Day against the TAV. In addition, Eco-Socialist Spaces, the World March of Women and the Charter of Social Rights have called a demonstration under the motto For a Dignified Life, A Just Eco-Social... [+]
Abiadura Handiko Trenaren inguruan mintzatu dira zenbait ekintzaile asteazkenean Iruñeko Zabaldin osatu duten hitzaldian. Italiako Val Susa bailarako adibidea bertatik bertara ezagutzeko aukera ere izan dute han sortutako mugimenduaren ordezkari bat etorri delako... [+]