- The market saw us! The members of Doinuel have spread a message to hats, scarves and other garments in a press conference that has also been held from the representation: "Because of the need to dress, to make the body, the head, inside and outside of it, clothing is not enough to dress. Books also dress us up.
Throughout the year they have highlighted that in Euskal Herria each has the opportunity to dress with their cultural work. In 2023, the Doinuele network was created by grouping eight initiatives, and a ninth was added this year. These are the initiatives we can visit in 2025, as each month there is one in four territories:
January (H)ilbeltza. From 20 to 26, Baztan's black novel and several special initiatives on this subject.
In March from Vigo. Fair and book initiatives written by women in Azkoitia on the weekend from 27 to 29.
In April the Sormene initiative in Galdakao.
In May Literaturia. In Zarautz, the weekend from 23 to 25 cultural creations will take the streets and the fair.
In June Ziburu trade show. On the 7th, first Saturday, the town square will be filled with books and records entirely in Basque.
September (H)azoka. In Hernani, on Saturday 27, Atxeginegi Square will host the Basque Records and Books fair and you will enjoy presentations of books, concerts and various activities, among other activities.
In October See Mikusi. On 11 and 12 days you will be able to delve into the children and youth literature in Sara, as well as several actions aimed at children and young people.
In November, the linen of words. In Oiartzun from 12 to 16 book fairs and special cultural initiatives.
In December the fair of Lazkao. From 12 to 14 will be able to fill Olentzero's bag of books and records in Basque and various cultural activities.