The sextet will be singing at the end of January 25: Gezu, Sosi, Paula, Yoller, Kazz and Jaio. On 25 January they will be at the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao, singing. Despite the novelties of this ninth programme, what remains at the centre is "to demand the freedom of all political prisoners".
In addition to the sextet, Elur Maluta and Rizzo will be in charge of giving "life to the party". For the moment, Nerepe and INES will be on the jury. Judges have as their goal "to create a healthy, but healthy, picotta".In fact, in All In De Hausen, "a climate of non-competitiveness" is claimed, with "uncertainty" and "uncertainty". Space that creates "very big competition," away from "gallo-battle" environments, which are usually connected to rap and freestyle. In the words of Ekaitz Samaniego, organizer of the event, "in Da Hausen nobody will win anything that cannot be won."
They come to the end with a nice wager. This year the Rap Showcase Alavés has been organised. It will involve young Alaveses from the rap world: Nerepe, Urtzi, Txuti, Kemena, KRD Krudo, Amy… will present in the showcase alternately their texts in Euskera "organized and realized with great motivation", as explained Samaniego.
The Gaztetxe of Vitoria-Gasteiz opens at 18:30 hours in the ninth edition of All In Da Haus. At 19:00 hours the freestyle session will begin with the six classified for the previous round. At 21:30 hours it will be the showcase Alavés who takes the stage and to finish, at 22:30 hours the final freestyle will be offered.
If you want to know more, you can listen to the full interview here:
Asteburu honetan hasiko da Gaztetxeak Bertsotan egitasmo berria, Itsasun, eta zazpi kanporaketa izango ditu Euskal Herriko ondorengo hauetan: Hernanin, Mutrikun, Altsasun, Bilboko 7katun eta Gasteizen. Iragartzeko dago oraindik finala. Sariketa berezia izango da: 24 gaztez... [+]
Errekaleor, Olarizuko etxe okupatuak, Alde Zaharrekoak... Hautu politikoz zein behar gorri hutsez okupatzen dutenen aurkako bandera harro altxatzen du Gasteizko EAJko alkate Gorka Urtaranek, PPren diskurtsoa –eta bozak– bere eginez. “Lapurrak”,... [+]
20 urte dira 198 iratxok Gasteizko kaleak hartu zituztela, 2002ko urtarrilaren 25ean. “Metro erdiko izakitxoak, aurpegi zirtolarikoak eta belarri estu-luzeak zut, irribarretsu, kolore biziz jantziak”. PPko alkate Alfonso Alonsok begiz jota zuen Gasteizko gaztetxea,... [+]