The Government of Pakistan is calling for international assistance to respond to the flooding in the country. Heavy rains began in June and since then at least 1,000 people have died as a result of the floods. In addition, some 500,000 people have had to be displaced and millions of citizens have been damaged.
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has acknowledged that the magnitude and severity of the disaster is “higher than expected”. It points out that floods have affected 15% of the population, or 33 million people. The province of Sindh has suffered the most damage: 20 people have been left underwater and have lost at least 800,000 hectares of agricultural land. 110 villages across the country are devastated by the floods.
The country ranks eighth in the list of the Risk Indicator developed by the NGO Germanwatch, the eighth country in the world most vulnerable to disasters caused by climate change.
Zulzar Ali Bhutto, a factotum in Pakistani politics for a quarter of a century, the day they hanged, on 4 April 1979, would probably not be a very nice day for the critique Imran Khan. The melodies that can barely tell how far the truth comes and where urban legend begins, say... [+]
Zainab Zinda Hai izeneko 7 urteko umearen hilketa zerrenda luzearen azken kasua da Pakistanen: familiak haurraren desagerpena salatu eta bost egunera, zabor ontzi batean aurkitu zuten bere gorpua. Bahitu, jipoitu, bortxatu eta hil egin zuten Zainab, zakarretara bota aurretik,
Duela hamazazpi urte, uztailaren 28 batez, zorigaiztoko albistea iritsi zen Gasherbrum II menditik. Ia bi hamarkada geroago, Himalaiako Karakorum mendilerroko tontor berean lortu dute Alberto Iñurrategik eta WOKpeak proiektuko soka-lagun Juan Vallejok eta Mikel Zabalzak... [+]
Imanol Larreak esan dizkio hitzok Goiena hedabideari. Punjabtar helduen hizkuntza jarrerak Katalunian tesia egin du. 100 milioi hiztun ditu punjaberak, baina tesigileak hizkuntza galtzeko arriskuan jartzen duten zantzuak bistaratu ditu.