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June 2nd is Basque Country Kantuz Day in Pamplona

  • The Roncesvalles Foundation and the Euskal Herria Kantuz network have organized the Basque Country Kantuz Day for June 2. An extensive program has been presented for the special day in which singing groups from all over the Basque Country have been invited.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

28 May 2018 - 13:24

At 10:00 they will welcome people from all over the Basque Country, then at 10:40 they will start singing and at 11:15 they will join the bertsolaris and the singing duo Zabalza-Ihidoi in the Pamplona Town Hall Square. Throughout the morning, they will cross the streets of the center of Pamplona with singing sessions and dances: They will be at 11:15 in Plaza San Francisco; at 13:00 in Paseo de Sarasate and at 13:30 in Avenida Carlos III. Finally, at 2.40 p.m., a popular lunch will be held in the Salesian courtyard. You have to give it a name.

Year after year, back to the song

This will be the eighth day organised by the Basque Country Kantuz network, which since it organised Nortagirre Kantuz in 2011, has held an annual event – in 2012 in Tudela, ‘Navarra Viva’; in 2013 in San Sebastian, the 10th anniversary; in 2014 in Bilbao, ‘Sevens from the same fabric’; in 2015 in Bayonne; in 2016 in Biarritz and San Sebastian; and in 2017 in Araba, ‘Gasteiz’.

Koldo Amatria, member of the Euskal Herria Kantuz network, explains that singing groups come together with three main objectives: "Through these dynamics of recovering the habit of singing, spreading the Basque song as a heritage and singing from street to street, to promote the use of the Basque language".

The news has been published on the Radio Euskalerria website and we have brought it to LUZ with the CC by-sa license

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