At a press conference on Tuesday, Bake Bidea and Bakegile announced further mobilisations in relation to the situation of Basque political prisoners Ion Parot and Jakes Esnal, among others. These mobilizations are part of the new phase begun at the beginning of the year. In fact, Bakebidea reported in November that by 2022 they would start a “more offensive and determined” dynamic. The reason is that no significant progress has been made in the last year with regard to the situation of Basque prisoners and refugees.
Parot and ESNAL have judicial sessions in May, the first on 13 May and the second on 19 May. During those two days concentrations will be held, on the 13th in Baiona and on the 19th in San Juan de Luz, with a clear objective: "To demonstrate that we are aware of this and to claim the application of these conditional freedoms," he added.
On 11 June, on the contrary, a mobilisation has been called in Baiona to reclaim police burdens. The expectation is that by then the decisions of the judicial sessions have already been taken or are prepared to receive them. According to Bake Bidea's president, Anaiz Funosas, "an appropriate criminal policy" must allow "the conditional release of Ion and Jakes." However, they have warned that, if the decisions do not favour the prisoners, this summer they will carry out "a blockade action on the whole of the Basque Country".
In addition to those announced, they have anticipated that in the coming weeks more disobedient actions will be carried out in the Basque Country.
In their hearing before the media on the second round to elect the new President of France, they took the opportunity to address the authorities as well: "Those who are to be elected must take the measure of the urgency of the progress of the peace process and enter their agenda with priority. They must clearly express their commitment to the democratic values of civil society in the Basque Country. We are not going to allow the next government to adopt the same attitude of indifference."
The candidates for the June legislative elections have also been questioned, and they will be publicly invited to "make known the necessity and commitment of the peace process".
Frantziako Poliziak 2002an atxilotu zuen zumarragarra, eta 30 urteko zigorra betetzen ari da. Sare Herritarrak mobilizazioa deitu du datorren ostiralerako, Urretxuko Potros Plazan.
Iratxeren Bidasoaldeko Lagunak ekimenak deituta, dozenaka lagun kalera atera ziren atzo Iratxe Sorzabal preso politiko irundarraren absoluzioa eskatzeko eta behingoz etxera ekartzeko, torturak salatzeaz gain.
Sare Herritarrak antolatuta, pasa den urtarrilaren 11n Bilboko kaleak bete zituen manifestazio jendetsuaren ondoren, berriz sortu da eztabaida, euskal presoei salbuespen legeriarik aplikatzen ote zaion. Gure iritzia azaltzen saiatuko gara.
Espetxe politikan aldaketa nabarmena... [+]
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
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Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
See that the streets of Bilbao are full of tourists and dogs with two legs, for example? Or the changes in the political situation? The first one has tired me and annoyed me... [+]