From June 1st, it will be mandatory to show the environmental document in our vehicles if we want to move along the roads of the North coast. Although the local administration has postponed the rule until the beginning of the summer, processing will be necessary.
To circulate along the coastal roads of Lapurdi, it is necessary to display a sticker explaining the environmental category of the vehicle. It shall be compulsory for all motor vehicles, including vehicles meeting all emission requirements. In addition, it will be necessary to carry the annex created specifically for this area, which will not be valid, for example, the one provided by the DGT. There are five categories according to the date of registration of the vehicle, based on the prohibition of those registered before 1997. In any case, even vehicles that are prohibited from entering low-emission areas can request 24 permits each year to travel on the roads of Lapurdi. Failure to wear a visible sticker can result in fines ranging from 68 to 135 euros.
The environmental badge to be able to walk through the low-emission areas of the North Basque Country coast can be requested through the Internet by filling in a form that can be downloaded on the official website or by post on the same page. It is necessary to send the driver’s license of the vehicle for which the label is requested (scanned or by means of a legible photo, if requested online), with a cost of 3.11 euros. To this sum, 1.80 euros must be added if the sticker is sent to a house outside Lapurdu (4.91 euros in total) or 0.70 euros if it is a vehicle registered in France (3.81 euros).
A-15 errepideko trafikoa N-I errepidearekin bat egiten duen tokian eraikiko litzateke lotune berria. Andoainen N-I errepidearen "afekzioak murriztu" eta ingurunean "modu hobean" integratuko dela adierazi du aldundiak. Udalak 2011ko eta aurtengo proiektuen... [+]
To have a car (private) in Japan it is mandatory to have a parking (private). The measure seems controversial, as the regulation (the securities systems here) allows the occupation of spaces where the car deposit is public. That is, the problem is conceived as a responsibility... [+]
First of all, we wish to extend our condolences to the family and friends of the woman killed in early August.
The people of Gaintxurizketa are fed up with the disillusionment of the administration and those responsible.
Those of us who live in the neighborhood are forced to... [+]