UPN and pp have criticized in the Senate the extension of the agreement signed between the Government of Navarra and the Basque Government for the dissemination of EITB in Navarra. The Upper House dealt with the extension of the report on Wednesday, which has already been suspended.
UPN Senator Alberto Catalunya has stated that "the government of the Basque Autonomous Community does not comply with the pact that is extended" and has been "absolutely convinced". According to the regionalist senator, "Basque public television does not respect the institutional reality of Navarre in its programming and information, as required by the agreement". In his opinion, the challenge of the agreement "is not an Euskaraphobia or a vascophobia", and he has defended that the agreement itself is "a navarrophobia".
For her part, pp. senator Amelia Salanueva has been critical of President Txibite and accused him of "following the roadmap of nationalism and television indoctrination". "The PNV has put a red carpet on its propaganda in Navarra," he said.
Mugimenduak mahai gainean jarri du euskarazko edukiak sustatzeko beharra, eta horren aurrean ETBk duen interes falta. Lehentasuna gaztelaniazko saioei ematea egotzi dio. ETB emozioen festa izan dadin, aldatu gidoia euskararen alde! lelopean, aldaketa eskatu dio telebista... [+]
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the petirreds. After laying, the cuckoo does not feed and grows to your puppy, as the robin takes care of it.
I don't know how many years of survival the cubes have. I know that the bird in our house is over 40 years old and unfortunately... [+]
Berrian lan egiten duen kazetariak, Euskal Telebistaz liburua idatzi berri du Txoria hodei artean, ETB lehen eta gero. Galdera batekin abiatzen du liburua kazetariak: 40 urte bete dituen Euskal Telebistak behar den gisan arrapostu ematen al dio euskal jendartearen egungo... [+]