Starting in 2020, the sports facilities of the Eibar will be located in the Vizcaina town of Mallabia, four kilometres from the football field of Ipurua.
The President of the Eibar, Amaia Gorostiza, said that, as this is a topic that has aroused debate in the people over the past few weeks, they preferred to do so in Eibar, but that it is not the best option for the club’s interest.
The new sports town, which will consist of 81,309 square meters, will have four football fields, two natural grass and two artificial grass. If it were needed in the future, a fifth field could also be built.
The works, which are expected to last 20 months and cost EUR 16 million, are the largest investment made by the Eibar. The club has stressed that the sports city will be paid with the savings of recent years and that there is no risk of indebtedness.
The Management Board expects the new facilities to generate a profit of around EUR 300,000 per year.
“Turning point”
For the first time in history, the Eibar will own its sports facilities.
In the words of President Amaia Gorostiza “this is an historic day for the Eibar, we will have the facilities we need and it will mark a turning point within the club.”
Although the feeling of the Eibarrés people is fundamentally opposed to bringing the sport city to Biscay lands, the dream that the Management Board has followed for a long time will become a reality.
More information
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