We launched it in July 2004 and the "official" birthday is July 17, as that was when we taught the blog management course. We got together about 15 people (picture is hour). We walk slowly, but we're still alive. Not with a life season, but some articles are still posted almost every day on EibarOrg.
Last month, for example, 38 articles. It's no small thing to be the first ones and keep them for 20 years.
Congratulations to the community https://eibar.org/blogak.
PuntuEus-ek doako tresna erabilgarri bat jarri du edonoren eskura, webguneen segurtasuna erraz ebaluatzeko. Webtest.eus izeneko autoebaluazio-tresna honi esker, erabiltzaileek beren webgunearen segurtasun-maila modu sinple eta argian azter dezakete.
Zer jakin behar dut? Norekin erlazionatu behar dut? Non bizi behar dut? Ardura horiekin gabiltza gizakiok gure gizarteen baitan bizitza on baten ideia bizitzeko bidean. Ondo erantzuten ez badakigu, bazterretan geratuko garen beldurrez.
Joan den astean, kanpoan geratzearen... [+]
We know that artificial intelligence is representing many fields in human beings: comfort, speed, efficiency ... We've been led to believe that human endeavor is an obstacle to the speed needs of this capitalist world. The aggressions to reduce our chances of doing, doing and... [+]
On November 15, we will celebrate in Errenteria-Orereta the three days organized by the different agents that make up Euskal Herria Digitala. This is a feminist digital self-defense workshop and a talk about democratic digitalisation.
The members of Movie Tech will offer the... [+]