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Several eibarres call for the expulsion of Stefan Simic for discriminatory attitudes

  • They also denounce the leadership’s attitude to hide social networks and player’s opinions. On the other hand, Osasuna fans have also aroused controversy: on the one hand, on Sunday they shouted at Greenwood Getafe’s player (who is accused of mistreating his partner); on the other, the prosecutor’s office has denounced homophobic insults by an amateur to the goalkeeper of Athletic Unai Simon in August.

20 September 2023 - 06:42
Last updated: 12:33
Stefan Simic jokalariaren jarrerak "onartezinak" direla adierazi dute zenbait zaletuk. (Argazkia: SD Eibar)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Several Eibar fans ask the club to express player Stefan Simic. Scotland the Brava, Armagiñas in 1940, Peña Alto Palancia Armera and De Euskadi Kadi, the fans, have pointed out that the views expressed by Simic on social networks are "unacceptable". "We want to make it clear that racist, macho or homophobic attitudes have no place in our society or in our group."

They have also denounced in the reading the behavior of the club management, for wanting to hide both their opinions and the social network of the player. They ask for consistency because "it is incompatible to put a coloured bracelet in campaigns against homophobia and protect homophobic players".

The screams of health amateurs, source of controversy

A number of jungles made by health buffs on football grounds have also created vanity. On the one hand, in the game played last weekend by the Navarro team against Getafe, several fans screamed at the player of Mason Greenwood Getafe. Greenwood, prior to signing by Getafe, was a Manchester United player, but was expelled from the team for being accused of mistreating his partner. However, the reception of the group of the Community of Madrid has been warmer: In the history of Getafe, the t-shirts with their name are the ones that have been sold the most, and that only for two weeks.

On 19 August, a health enthusiast committed homophobic attacks on the goalkeeper of Athletic Unai Simon. Thus, the Navarra Public Prosecutor’s Office has denounced that it can be a hate crime. The prosecution asks the Spanish police to identify the person who insulted Simon.

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