The Euskal Herria Zuzenean festival will be held from June 30 to July 2. It will be the 27th edition, for the fourth time in Irisarri. The organization has made some progress on programming in the press release of 12 April. They have announced new names, but not so new. They stress that "diversity" will be another year the festival's strength, both in its style and in its territoriality.
The Bayonet group Willis Drummond presents his work 'Hala ere'. From Bakio, the AKats group will bring the electronic melodies to Irisarri and Mandarin rap from Toulouse in Occitania. There will also be international groups: the London group Madmad will offer a punk and funk concert, and the Brazilian American group Soulfly will be able to hear metal.
They have also made further statements. It will be the Northern Basque Country folk Habia in the Plaza de Irisarri; by Zumarraga, the Morea Alarm will bring runba music; and the MICE group will be present at the festival presenting their latest work, Lautada.
The first announcement of the programming was made in early March. The groups of Vela, Colinga, Africa Bibang, Ada Oda, Kristona and Muare will be joined by the groups mentioned on 12 April. Besides music, you will enjoy more artistic disciplines; the dance company Ertza will offer the show Otempodiz (you have watches, we have time). The organizers announce that conferences and round tables will be reported shortly.
For militant work, go ahead
The organization has wanted to recall that hundreds of collaborators and militants make RSI possible and that this year they will also need 500 collaborators. In this way, available volunteers will be able to enroll in from May.
The three-day tickets are now on sale on the web. Daily tickets may be purchased from 31 May.
Beware! Achtung! “Pass the message. When we come to the CER, control the huge flika with the chakurros!” Cases... At Amikuze you can't leave it alone either, he said one of the festivals that after passing control he tries to park his car. He has later seen that message that... [+]
Nola ezar euskara, gal-bidean, ahal-bidean eta zabal-bidean? Galdera horri ihardukitzen entseatuko da Mattin Irigoien Zabalik elkarteko kidea, ostegun honetan eskainiko duen mintzaldian.
2 in Irisarri (Nafarroa Beherea), at the EHZ festival.
Anyone who has ever been to the LER knows what Sunday is. We are there. This year the rain invites us to be under the cover of the van, but as... [+]
On the one hand the heavy rain, on the other the unbearable sauna. And the sun of Sunday afternoon, excessive for many. Maybe not, but it was convenient to bring the umbrella as light as possible, as at any time it touched the rain, but it was also hot, so it was essential to... [+]