Last Saturday, the Ehuntz initiative was presented, which has lasted three months. In a statement, the organizers affirmed that the movement consists of people "with difficulty living in Basque" under the control of the Spanish and French states, people "forced to do low in French" or "family and friends in distant jails".
Date specified
The Basque Republic Day is celebrated on 15 February 2020. They have announced that they will celebrate it “starting from the problems that affect us on a daily basis and working on the theme that each town and neighborhood wants.”
There are already 21 towns and neighbourhoods in Lapurdi, Navarra, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia that are preparing for that day and have invited the rest to participate in it. Contact: via email.
The initiatives are already related in the following locations:
Mungia (Bizkaia).
Beasain (Gipuzkoa)
San Sebastian, El Antiguo (Guipúzcoa).
San Sebastian, Añorga (Gipuzkoa).
Donostia, Amara Berri (Gipuzkoa).
Donostia-San Sebastián, Amara Zaharra (Gipuzkoa).
Donostia, Bidebideta (Gipuzkoa)
Donostia, Egia (Guipuzcoa)
San Sebastian, Gros. (Gipuzkoa)
Donostia-San Sebastián, Igeldo (Guipuzcoa)
San Sebastian, Intxaurrondo.
Hernani (Guipuzcoa).
Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa).
Oñati (Gipuzkoa).
Pasaia (Gipuzkoa)
Tolosa (Gipuzkoa).
Zumaia (Gipuzkoa).
Hendaia (Lapurdi)
Urruña (Lapurdi)
Barañáin (Navarra).
Bera (Navarra).
As we know, the Institutional Independence of Hego Euskal Herria has begun a certain roadmap. Signing a new pact with the Spanish State. This path uses some main variables or premises. Thus: The PSOE is a leftist party, the Spanish State is recyclable and it is up to the... [+]
It is not easy to understand what is happening in Catalonia. Certainly. We can end the 2017 process, but it remains to be seen whether independence will be able to start a new process of liberation.
If independence had been maintained in most elections, there would be another... [+]
Xabier Zabaltza Perez-Nievas historialaria, idazlea eta EHUko irakasleak 'Euskal Herria heterodoxiatik' izeneko liburua plazaratu berri du. Bertan dio Euskal Herria ezinbestean euskara eta euskal kulturaren bidez eraiki behar dela eta horretarako funtsezkoa dela euskara... [+]
“The most Abertzale parliament of all time” vs. “Independence is at the historical lows.” These two statements have been heard in recent times and have increased following the elections held on 21 April in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. These two phrases, considered as... [+]
Tristeziaz hartu du Atarrabiako alkateak Nafarroako Justizia Epaitegi Nagusiaren epaia. Euskal Herriko armarria ezabatu beharko du herriko frontoiko hormatik. “Bere garaian ikurriña kentzera behartu ziguten bezala” adierazi du Euskalerria Irratian Mikel... [+]
The independence of Euskal Herria and Catalonia is the object of study abroad. The University of Nevada, in Reno, USA, has just published an important book Pro-independence movements in the Basque Country and Catalunya, under the responsibility of three experts: Xabier Irujo,... [+]
These are dark times for the Basque nation. And in the nation I say, not only do I speak in this language and in the nation, but I speak of the Basque nation of the citizens that we want to endow ourselves with the highest political legal order, of which we form the Vascophiles... [+]
Once again, the Basque issue has recently occupied some of the line leaders. That a court has decided to contravene the conditions of a post with an Basque profile. They say that a socio-linguistic survey has provided significant data. That the Basque cultural activity of... [+]
Unconscious day-to-day exercise has become a topic during your stay in the Basque Country. I haven't been there for many days and I've been squeezing my breath several times... I'm an observer trying to find and rediscover my people. If I didn’t want to see things before or if... [+]