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Hundreds of people report aggression against the Gaztetxe de Burlada and political freedoms

  • Members of the Gaztetxe de Burlada have denounced that they have imposed "arbitrary limits" on the use of gaztetxe and denied them access to public spaces, in a demonstration supported by hundreds of people: "It is essential for us to assert the freedom to do politics and create the conditions for the activity on the spaces controlled by the workers to develop normally".
Argazkia: Gedar.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

22 June 2021 - 07:01
Last updated: 09:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Two weeks ago, the City prevented the members of the Gaztetxe from holding events to commemorate the third anniversary of the Youth Festival of Burlada, banning musical performances and using the police forces. On Saturday, hundreds of people denounced the aggression against the gaztetxe and political freedoms in a demonstration that travelled the streets of Burlada (Navarra) with the motto Disseminate political freedoms. Among other cries, the "freedom to organize" and the "advancement of gaztetxes" came to the door of the City Hall, which is in front.

In the final act, it was explained that in recent weeks the street has been worked to denounce the situation of gaztetxe "through banners, brochures, information assemblies or popular bands". The mayor responded, among other things, with the order to withdraw the sides. "The requests for the use of the municipal spaces have not been met, the police presence in the initiatives has been massive, the identifications, the agents have entered the gaztetxe without permission and last week we closed the entrance to the gaztetxe".

Arbitrary limits without access to public spaces

From this situation, two issues stood out: on the one hand, the aggression against the young woman, establishing "arbitrary limits" on its use, and on the other, the use of political criteria by the City Council on the use of public space, denying access to the assembly of young people. "The idea of leaving the Gaztetxe de Burlada out of play is clear. Today's debate has been about the arbitrary annulment of a celebration. What will be the next? the members of the gaztetxe asked.

They explained that, beyond being an attack on a gaztetxe, it is also contrary to political freedoms, "for those of us who have as our sole criterion to organize, to confront a gaztetxe that is vital". "It is essential for us to demand the freedom to make policy and create the conditions for the activity on the spaces controlled by the workers to develop normally," they added.

The Erraki Network for the Protection of Controlled Spaces, among others, showed its support to the young woman, who she called to participate in the demonstration.

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