The aggression took place on Saturday night when two young women headed for their home in Bilbao. A man followed them and assaulted them. According to the Feminist Movement, which called for the demonstration on Monday, the two women faced the aggressor until the arrival of the Ertzaintza. "By then, the aggressor had already leaked, but was identified later," he added.
Aware of the aggression, the Zumaia City Hall and the Equality Forum have shown their rejection and call to participate in the demonstration convened by the Feminist Movement. The call had a great response and hundreds of people participated in the demonstration that started from the Plaza de los Redentores and ended in the Plaza de la Cofradía. - We're already on our way home, free women! Feminist self-defense in the face of aggression!" The march was developed after a banner in which the motto chosen could be read.
In the end they have read a letter: "How many times have we left home, rushed the way?" How many times looking back? How many times have we been scared to feel a man behind us? And how many times has it felt uncomfortable in the dark as it passed by a group of men? How many times have we taken the keys in our hand and how many times have we closed the portal door before it came in a blow? How many times have we waited not to go home alone? How many times do you think about which path to take twice? they've remembered.
Faced with this type of aggression, they ask to value the use of feminist self-defense. "Unfortunately, women have to suffer many and varied assaults and violence, but we are not going to destroy ourselves any more at this time. Together we are strong." They have also stressed that they denounce all kinds of aggression and violence. "But at the same time, we want to have an impact on feminist empowerment and self-defense," he added.
"We don't want to live in fear. And we're not going to live in fear. But we can't ignore it. There are risks and violence that we only live by being women. But before them, we will support each other. We will strengthen ourselves and take care of ourselves. No unanswered aggression! In the face of sexist aggressions, feminist self-defense! ", the event ended with a speech by the president of the Generalitat.
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