The concentrates have thus responded to the judgment given at the end of September by the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra in the Foral Decree regulating employment contracts. In it, he denied that in the mixed zone and in the non-Vascophony the Basque Country had a special value in the labor contract as merit, as established by the decree.
The judgment has caused great indignation in the Basque community of Navarre and today’s mobilisation has been one more example of this. The members of the council and the convening trade unions held three placards at the head of the meeting calling for justice, equity and cohesion. In his view, the judgment concerns these three elements and it is in the hands of the Government of Navarra to take the necessary steps to make the Basques feel comfortable in those three.
ELA, LAB, ESK, Hiru, Stailas, CGT and EHNE have supported the mobilization and on their behalf speak Imanol Karrera and Imanol Pascual, respectively, representatives of LAB and ELA. Pascual has stressed that the PSN shares the opposition to the Basque policy with Navarre Suma, UGT and Afapna, among others, and has considered it significant that the current Minister of Education is in the demonstration against the Basque Country last year. Karrera has pointed out that the struggle of the Basque Country is also that of the workers and both have agreed that "the law of the Basque Country, which involves zoning, must be put to an end".
The representative of the Council, Paul Bilbao, also agreed with the need to amend the law he considered to be of the first order, because in the end that law allows this judgment. He explains that the Council already reported at the end of the last parliamentary term that such a thing could happen in the foreign parliament. After denouncing the attitude of the judges towards the Basque Country, he asked the Government of Navarre for "courage, courage and courage" to recruit staff to watch over the rights of Euskaldunes and to conduct policies that guarantee the rights of Euskaldunes.
On behalf of @council, Paul Bilbao said that the first objective is to change the law of the Basque Country and that they are going to do so, because of what happened with the judgment. At the same time, he asked the Government of Navarra for "courage"
— Xabier Letona (@xletona) October 19, 2019