Hundreds of Catalans have appeared in various Catalan courts to accuse themselves of being responsible for the referendum held on 1 October 2017. They have done so as a symbol to show their disagreement with the ruling against Catalan political prisoners. All these people have been presented in the capitals that give their names to the four Catalan provinces: Barcelona, Lleida, Girona and Tarragona.
Thousands of Persians ja s'han indictment al jutjats com a show of political prisoners suport. If they have condemned nat per manifesto -se, expresse-se, mobilitzar-se and vote, nosaltres tambsom culpables d’aquest fals delicte. Guilt't your size:
— Òmnium Cultural (@omnium) October 28, 2019
Marcel Mauri said that “if politicians have been convicted, the nearly two and a half million people who voted on 1 October 2017 or all who joined the peaceful demonstration on 20 September should also be condemned.” "The vice-president of the Mnium added that they want, in terms of the number of defendants, to be the most massive known case in history," she added.
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]