A crowd has concentrated today (23 May) in the afternoon to denounce the arrests of the night in the plaza and "excessive" police violence. The offensive of the bourgeoisie, under the slogan Stop. The Ertzaintza arrested four young people last night in the course of a mid-night fight at the Izarraiz Gate. In particular, detainees, aged 19, 18, 15 and 14, have been arrested for an alleged crime of public disorder.
At the end of the concentration, the members of the socialist movement have taken the floor, who have shared their reading of the facts. They pointed out that, in their opinion, the violence and the police device used yesterday by the Ertzaintza was calculated previously: "Among other things, the police threatened on Wednesday several gangs of young people with disturbances on Saturday; yesterday afternoon the police presence in the town was very evident (for example, since the afternoon in the Azpeitia polygon there were several anti-disturbances of the Ertzaintza) and, in general, the police presence has been a fact that has been repeated since the previous weeks." They have stressed that their complaint is addressed "to the rest of the police, to the politicians who give them instructions", as well as to all parties that "have authorised the health catastrophe and the totalitarian state". "The authorities and professional politicians have decided to give a police exit to the health emergency, and they are primarily responsible for the elimination of freedoms and the police harassment we live in. In this regard, we denounce the custom of the police to persecute the citizens on the pretext of the pandemic and by the mandate of the politicians of the bourgeoisie," they said.
In addition, the members of the socialist movement have denounced that the City of Azpeitia has collaborated with the Ertzaintza in yesterday’s events through the Municipal Police and that the Ertzaintza had access to the police services. They also regretted that "the party with the management of the City Hall has authorised a state of emergency and alarm" and considered that municipal resources should be used to favour the most badly hit sectors and to provide solutions from the point of view of the problems repressed.
They affirm that, like yesterday’s events, they are being repeated in different places in the Basque Country and respond to a general context: "On the occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians have increased police resources and increased attempts at aggression and criminalization against social sectors." Before them, they manifest the need to organize themselves. Full reading, here.
ERNAI and EH Bildu have also denounced the police persecution of yesterday, and they have come out to the protest in addition to the call of the afternoon. They have also described yesterday's events as "a previously organized police device" that is taking place. "It's no coincidence that after yesterday afternoon's Ertzaintza parade in Azpeitia, she wakes up with this news. Yesterday's police persecution goes beyond isolated action". Contacts have also been made with the Basque Government and the PNV: "In the pandemic situation we have been in for a year and have not yet been able to cope with the situation by the branches. The Basque Government has confined itself to giving all the powers to the Spanish State and to obeying its words. Thus, it has not taken a step in offering resources to cope with this situation of citizenship". In this sense, they have denounced that this is a "management model" of the PNV. According to Ernai, the violence and target of harassment being pursued by the Ertzaintza is "one and only": "To guarantee the privileges of the heteropatriarchal capitalist system to a few backs of the majority". ERNAI has raised the need for a radical change in the police model: "Stop beating young people and take measures once and for all to improve our living conditions, rather than pocket policies work for the people." Full reading, here.
EH Bildu, for its part, has stated that yesterday's events were "absolutely irrelevant and disproportionate" and has shown its support for the detainees and those beaten by the police. "Once again, the need for a radical change in the police model has been highlighted," the Council said.
The PNV in Azpeitia has also pronounced on what happened yesterday in the plenary of the Lower House. The Jeltzale training has denounced the events in the locality and explained that the work of the Ertzaintza and the Municipal Police "to enforce the rules of coexistence" is supported. They have also asked the municipal authorities to take preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of events such as that which occurred yesterday in the Biscayan municipality.
To Rosa, yes, because that's what home and friends said. On 30 June she will be 29 years old as a result of an infection caused by a pelotazo released 7-8 meters by the Ertzainas. This was evident at the hearing or working session held on 26 January 2023 before the Police Victim... [+]