On Thursday afternoon, as soon as the classes are finished, hundreds of families have gathered in the park of Maritxu Guler, next to Ategorrieta. Under the motto '. With trikitilaris on the head and signs and drawings of children around the gray land of Marrutxipi, the participants made a protest in Plaza Mourinho. 660 people, according to the ARGIA count, have entered the inside of the fenced plot once it has been turned around. Watch the summary video made by Irutxuloko Hitza.
As a space filled with stones and building materials, several organizers have perimeter a play area with a tape for children’s safety. Encouraged by the trikitixa, they have been in the joyful rope lounge, repeating the cry to finish half an hour later: - Par-que-I say - we! ".
"We want children, trees, tranquillity and life; not cars, asphalt, noise and pollution," they said in a statement to the press. That is why they say that they will not accept anything other than the Sorleku Park. "With this colorful and forceful protest we wanted to raise our voice and say loud and clear that we are hundreds of people who are willing to mobilize and protest this park that is our destiny."
They have recalled that the design of this park involved more than 300 students from the ikastola Zurriola, residents of the residences of the elderly in the area and numerous neighbors, who among all designed the park they wanted. The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian has approved for several years financial items for the project, but in the last five years it has been paralysed. About a month ago, by surprise, the City Hall announced that it will not be installed in the park, but that a giant parking lot will be opened so that those arriving from outside the city can leave their car. The news brought about neighborhood associations, neighbors and parents in the area. For example, over 2,500 online signatures were collected in two weeks.
"We don't think it's acceptable. It is a lack of respect for the neighborhood and, above all, for the hundreds of people who dedicated their time and enthusiasm to the participatory process. It is a decision that leaves the City Hall of San Sebastian very badly," they said. "If the park decided by the citizens is not built here, in our opinion, the participatory processes of the future will lose all legitimacy in the eyes of many citizens".
Two weeks ago, the motion tabled by Elkarrekin in favour of the Sorleku Park was approved in the plenary of the City of Donostia-San Sebastian. Only the PSE-EE opposed it. Together, the PP, EH Bildu and the PNV were positioned in favor of the park.
"That doesn't mean there's a victory in battle," they say. The interventions in the municipal plenary are not binding, so until the works are started it cannot be said that there is a benefit in the struggle. "However, what happened in plenary gives us even more strength, because we see that it is a win-win struggle," he added.
They have also denounced that a new exit via the freeway has recently been opened near the park, cutting dozens of trees and that since then traffic has multiplied. For the safety of children and neighbors who frequent the city, more appropriate signs, radars and security measures have been requested for the neighbors.
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