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News from the UPV/EHU

Behe Banda

07 October 2024 - 07:30

You never know what you're going to find when the course starts, the first of September is always times of high tension, from three to forty years. High motivation time, time to enroll in the language school and in the gym. This year I'll also make ceramics, it's always been my passion. To create and manage the expectations of the individual with himself and with the world, in what other way?

However, the first two or three weeks are enough to criticise them against reality. The first alarms at seven o'clock in the morning, the first exam, the memory of your boss's pride, your professor's first fascist quotes -- they're not the mid-night cough of goats. In the morning, wake up, take a criminal law manual and read on Twitter that when you go to class in Bizkaibus sends you to "clean the kitchen". A coffee with milk and liquor, please.

Unfortunately, it is not a coincidence, and it is not going to be the last case. If the university is theoretically a temple of wisdom and culture, in practice it is only the most powerful academicism and words. One title, two articles a month and eleven research papers in parallel, a fictional career to earn merits. Pretending to pretend what you know the most is apparently the ultimate goal. Ezdakitnor García, PhD in Paternalism.

This is how the public university becomes (public!!!) It's the seed of so much eminence. Hiring reactionary teachers instead of spreading culture, as they are highly recognised in their fields.

This is how the public university becomes (public!!!) It's the seed of so much eminence. Hiring reactionary teachers instead of spreading culture, as they are highly recognised in their fields. A thousand excuses, fallacies and spiders. Fill your mouth with equality, respect and inclusion and juggle into the inner structures to whitewash fascism. But they ask the students to be calm, slow, “until the procedure is over”, because they will surely be thrown out of the job.

In any case, I cannot prevent doubts from emerging within me: How long is that? There may be time for a teacher to show the penis to his students (again) with violence, with the Zionists who ask for Palestine to organize chairs (again), increase (again) the police presence, etc.

In many families, we are the first generation of people who have the opportunity to go to college, but it seems that the university is trying to make it the last. If the need, the longing and the thinking of young people have been updated, I cannot say the same thing about an institution that is so outdated, full of honest, retracted men, that it gives off a stench of unbounded elitism. It has nothing but to give and extend, but until the procedure is complete.

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