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Procedure for dismissal of UPV/EHU professor

  • After analysing the legal situation, the University of the Basque Country has decided to launch the process of terminating the professor of the Section of the Faculty of Law of Bizkaia.

Astelehenean Zuzenbide fakultatean eginiko elkarretaratzea. Leioatik

03 October 2024 - 14:39
Last updated: 17:30

After the opening of the procedure provided for in the Protocol against Gender Violence and until the end of the process, the UPV/EHU decided on Monday not to teach. The decision taken as a precautionary measure required the professor of the Law School, within a period of at least one week, to cease teaching. In a statement sent to the media this morning, the university announced that the expulsion of the teacher is already underway.

On 30 September, student protests continued firmly at the Law School, an open assembly and a mass rally was organised. In the reading, the students explained that they cannot accept ''fascists who transmit ideas against the most vulnerable groups, against the working class or against women'.

There have been several messages that Álvaro Sánchez, the professor, has made during these days of protest to "underestimate" the students. Thus, on September 27, the date on which the first mobilization was carried out, Sánchez shared via social networks comments as '' I get bored ''' or '' I get all the cock '''. These kinds of people who have approached Santa Maria prison have continued today. "I have read in the media that the UPV does not count on me – it has written on social media. I'm crying everywhere... and I won't sleep at night... Not even if I had been fired from the glorious University of Salamanca.


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