A computer student informed the team of Joxerramon Bengoetxea, candidate for the Rectory of the UPV/EHU. The confirmation of the data was "simple", according to Bengoetxea himself, since apparently Guillermo Quindos had a personal phone and an email address. Bengoetxea has thanked this computer student and has put in "value" the "talent we have in the UPV/EHU". The talented person has not, therefore, been the secret of Quindós' actions in the new candidacy of the vice chancellor of the UPV/EHU and Eva Ferreira.
In a social network, Quindos had created a troll account, false and anonymous, with the objective of insulting and defaming Bengoetxea and his team. Among other things, he related some individuals from the Bengoetxea group to "communism", criticized that thought and pointed to supposed political links with it, as the extreme right does worldwide on the Internet. This has been done by the Vice-Chancellor of Science and Social Development and Transfer, also professor of Microbiology.
Immediate resignation, but not in silence
The notification was made by Joxerramon Bengoetxea himself at an extraordinary meeting held this Monday morning in the UPV Cloister. The candidates had the time to present their programme and their team, as last Friday the election campaign for the rectorado of the University of the Basque Country, to be held on 26 November, officially began. This has, of course, been the clearest way of showing the nomination teams.
When Bengoetxea has spoken in this way, the current director and candidate, Eva Ferreira, has gathered her team and demanded that she resign from office. He did so right away. However, although the face has been raised on this occasion, he has not remained silent and has not missed his face: he has said that he opened his messages in a "personal context", with a "scarce reach", "without intent to influence" the image of the other group of candidates. Having said that, he has asked for "forgiveness."
Bengoetxea, on social media, has called for it to become "a clean campaign" from now on, because until now it has been "a dirty game". In addition, he has shown his solidarity with the Ferreira team, as he believes that these moments "will be unpleasant" for the club.
Bengoetxea, "worried" about the campaign
At the time of filing the complaint, Bengoetxea said he was "concerned" about the way Ferreira's team campaigned. In fact, it has tabled complaints in other areas, such as the debate between the candidates as regards the forum. Ferreira has said that he will only participate in Euskadi Radio in Spanish. The professor of the UPV/EHU and director of the Master of Multimedia Communication Irati Agirreazkuenaga has made it known in Zuzeu.eus and is on the Bengoetxea team.
In addition, they have put "difficulties" on the Student Council to organize the debate. But in the end it will be done. For the Bengoetxea team, however, it is "incomprehensible" that hinders the participation of students, among other things, taking into account that only 2% participated in the previous elections.
Hate messages on UPV/EHU charges
Just over a month has passed since the wave of protests against the professor of the law school of the UPV/EHU disseminated messages of hatred, discrimination and chauvinism. Alvaro Sánchez Hernández went to teach in the morning of September 27 and several students prevented him from leaving the classroom, until he finally left the school run by the security forces of the university.
From Leioa! The media of university students reported that a professor who disseminated fascist ideas through networks was teaching at Leioa Law School. The professor disseminates the publications of the Spanish Phalanx of the JONS and the Santiago Armesilla, which disseminates fascist messages, as well as machistan, homophobic and in favor of Franco. He was finally expelled by the UPV/EHU.
Martxoaren lehenengo lanegunarekin batera, komunikabideetan azalduko ez diren aldaketak etorri dira EHUn. Azken Lan Publikoko Eskaintzaren ondorioz, ehunka langile –arlo tekniko eta administrazio zerbitzutakoak– orain arte okupatzen zuten lanpostutik atera eta beste... [+]
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Lau mila karaktere ditut kontatu behar dudana kontatzeko. Esan behar ditut gauzak argi, zehatz, soil, eta ahalko banu polit, elegante, egoki. Baga, biga, higa. Milimetrikoki neurtu beharra dut, erregelaz markatu agitazioa non amaitzen den eta propaganda non hasi. Literarioki,... [+]
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