For more than two decades, Udalbiltza has highlighted the work of many people in the national configuration of Euskal Herria and in the promotion of collaboration in public institutions, to which he has thanked.
In addition, they have announced that on 16 November they have an appointment in Durango: Udalbiltza will renew its president and political leadership at the General Assembly, to be held in Bilbao. All members of the consortium may attend the assembly and vote. The aim is to achieve the accession of more than 1,000 of the current 600 members of the sovereign coalition.
They have also made known the initiatives launched at Udalbiltza in the reflection process Bagabiltza: EHNA intends to resume the activity; Lurgida, the tourism APP of the Basque Country; Ikerbiltza, which takes advantage of the knowledge generated in the Basque universities; the Truke Eman experience bank; and Hurbilago, with the aim of promoting twinning between municipalities.
From 19 to 21 October, Hernani held a conference of sovereignty to learn, share and reflect on “transformative experiences”. The talks and activities have been carried out through the citizens' initiative Hernani Burujab, but have also been promoted by the City Hall of... [+]
Herri eta bailara ugari basamortu bihurtzen ari da Euskal Herrian. Lan eta zerbitzurik gabe, egungo merkatuak bazterturiko eremuotan nola bizi? Egoera hori irauli nahi du Udalbiltzak, eta horretarako, logika lehiakorretik at, pertsonak erdigunean jartzen dituen ekonomia... [+]
Igandean goizeko bostetan eskoletako ateetan egon behar dela diote batean eta bestean, behin eta berriz, hori da mezu nagusia nonahi Bartzelonan. Seietan Mossoak joango ei dira eskolak hustera.