The main objective has not changed: May the Basque Country be Euskaldun. In this regard, the popular movement has underlined that the main novelty is the renewal of the founding principles (1979) and the clear demand for the independence of Euskal Herria.
EHE Member Ane Aizpurua presented at a hearing in Usurbil the main points contained in the document “Ikusmira”.
The movement considers it essential for the normalization of Euskera that the use of Euskera be a priority: “Both in oral use and in all functional and geographical areas”.
EHE has shown solidarity with individuals and groups suffering from other forms of repression and has stressed that solidarity and alliances between the oppressed are fundamental to their achievement.
He has claimed the decolonization of the population of Euskal Herria, “to overcome the linguistic practice of the century and choose to live in Euskera”.
They considered it necessary that all Basques and Basques be Vasco-speakers. However, linguistic competence is not enough, they have stressed the attachment to language, “the need to convey a vascophony attitude”.
The movement is committed to respect and care for linguistic diversity in the new model of the relationship between languages.
Disobedience and activism will have a place in the new perspective and have considered empowerment and living in Basque as a more disobedient act.
Institutions will be called upon to pursue effective language policies for re-Euskaldunisation.
Many times, after looking at the brumas from my house, it has occurred to me not to catch umbrellas, even though I know I will just soak up. Why will it be? Maybe you don't want to catch the umbrella? Maybe in the hope that I don't get wet? Nevertheless, the conclusion has always... [+]
I remember when I was 16 years old, the Ertzaintza first identified me in a concentration in favor of the Basque Country before the Bergara courts. We believed that in Euskal Herria it was legitimate to cry for the Euskaldunization of the courts, but then there would also be a... [+]
Andoni Urrestarazu Landazabal was born in the village of Araia on 16 July 1902 and died in Vitoria on 21 November 1993. It is now 31 years old and I think it is time to recognize his name and be, because the legacy he left is not well known. Umandi used the name of a mountain in... [+]
“You learn walking and singing.” This has been one of the subjects this week in the groups of C2. It wasn't about learning to sing or walking, it was about using the future correctly. The activity has given me what to think and I've wondered how we learn to teach. I've heard... [+]
The survival of the Basque country is not the only problem that the Basques play in the political game, but rather, as a more characteristic element of Euskaldunisation, the one that most reflects our situation. It shows very well what does not appear so much in other areas... [+]
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]