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EHE will claim “the independent republic of the Basque Country” at the demonstration on 6 December

  • Euskal Herrian Euskaraz will have three demands on 6 December, during the Durango Fair, at the demonstration starting from Landako Gunea: defending linguistic rights, dealing with attacks against the Basque Country and supporting the Basque Country.

20 September 2021 - 07:52
Last updated: 09:53
EHEk manifestazioa deitzeko egindako agerraldia Durangoko Landako gunearen aurrean. Argazkia: EHE.

According to an EHE statement announcing the event, we are in a linguistic emergency. It does not disregard the work done and the results obtained in the normalization of the Basque country in recent decades. The EHE considers it to be a pride and a positive assessment. In any case, they say that the process of normalization of the Basque Country and reconstitution of the community of Vasco-Speakers is in crisis.

EHE has denounced that, through laws and judicial decisions, both states are "committed to limiting and leading to involution as little advanced in Euskaldunization". He has given several examples. EHE complains about the need to “plead” in Paris and to impose a model of immersion in Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa and that the politicians there govern. In Navarre, the government has denounced that German is valued more than Euskera and has underlined that the steps taken by the courts in linguistic standardization are being "curtailed and banned".

The movement has stated that the current language policy and legal frameworks have already given what they had to do and that it is time to make the leap to another legal framework. He has insisted on the need to achieve full sovereignty in order to develop a language policy without external intervention.

In order to be able to live in Euskera normally, they have considered it essential to achieve a "Republic independent of the Basque Country".

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