For those of us who have for years been involved in the Euskal Herrian Euskaraz (EHE) association, the evolution of the EHE in recent years has been sad: lack of capacity for ideological struggle, general demobilization, long and absurd reflection processes, blatant capacity to influence society, constant disappearance of groups, marginalization of acts of denunciation, campaigns to work on motivation, etc. For some, a reflection of the changes in society. End of a fighting phase. New times. Adaptation. The truth is that almost all popular movements in the orbit of the official Abertzale left have had the same thing. After the disappearance of ETA, the confrontation has left the street, and they have confined themselves to working on politically correct initiatives.
The same people who have led the disastrous trajectory of recent years have announced the birth of a new EHE. The bases of the new EHE are set out in the Ikusmira document (presented at Usurbil on 20 February). Apparently, the new EHE will have the same objective, to achieve an Euskal Herria Euskaldun. It is certainly a consolation because in recent times we are seeing ideological changes that were previously unthinkable. Therefore, it seems that we can be faced with the reactivation of EHE. However, if we look closely at the Ikusmira document, we see that there are significant changes to the historical EHE line.
"The new EHE has identified this as a priority objective. Independence is necessary to achieve an Euskal Herria Euskaldun. Most of us agree on this, but how should it be raised?"
EHE was born in Durango on 4 November 1979. If you look for the creation document on the Internet, you can't find the original document. There are only a few fragments of loose text on the net. It is really surprising that this important document of this historic institution is not available either on the EHE website or at the entrance of Wikipedia. Neglect or intent to forget? In fact, the creation document is correct and rigorous. When reading the paper, it still transmits freshness. The analysis of the situation then, in its crux, without political correctness. He strongly criticized the Basque parties: “They have no real intentions, programs and praxis for the recovery of the Basque Country.” Furthermore, in relation to the role of the EHE, it stresses that: “This claim and denunciation will be translated into practical actions.” In this short sentence three characteristics appear that have defined the character of EHE over the years: claim, denunciation and action. Therefore, working on motivation for the Basque Country has never been a task of EHE. In fact, this work has been left to the Basque associations.
Curiously, no serious analysis of the current situation has been carried out in the Ikusmira document. The three historical characteristics mentioned above are completely missing in the letter. No demands, no complaints, no facts. For the new EHE the main culprits of the diglosic situation of the Basque Country are “the Spanish and French state”, because they are “colonizers”. There is no doubt that the two States have responsibilities. That is the case, and it has been written about it extensively. However, the responsibilities for the diglosic situation of the Basque Country are very diverse. I think that the cancer we have at home is more worrying at the moment, and yet in the Ikusmira document no reference has been made to the responsibilities of the Basque parties. The document is politically correct with the agents here, leaving aside the rigorous and direct historical discourse of EHE. This is very significant. Foreign enemies come well to cover internal misery. Over decades, the Basque agents have controlled the most important power centers in various parts of the Basque Country. They have had the opportunity to push forward bold language policies, but they have not. In strategic areas such as Osakidetza and the Ertzaintza, the Basque country is still foreign. In the diglosic situation of the “Basque” Castilian speaking media (EITB, Gara, Deia,…) the responsibility of the Basque parties is evident. And what can be said about educational models that do not Euskaldunizan? What about the plans of Euskera for long-term companies that don't bring about real change? Unfortunately, since 1979 the attitude of the Basque parties has not changed much. They have taught us disillusionment, hypocrisy and inconsistency in taking courageous steps in favour of the Basque country, and today we are collecting its fruits (the data of use bear witness to it). EHE’s job has always been to denounce it and never look away.
But, without a doubt, the key to the Ikusmira document is the demand for the independence of Euskal Herria. The new EHE has been set as the main objective. Independence is necessary to achieve an Euskal Herria Euskaldun. Most of us agree on that, but how should it be raised? EHE has no strength to carry it out and all it can do is immerse itself in the strategies of other agents. And who will be the comrades of the new EHE? Spanish speaking Basque parties? The Ikusmira document clearly explains why we need independence, “in order to promote a sovereign linguistic policy.” Push? Or is it? In this section, the new EHE indicates that the Basque Country will be a secondary element in the defense of independence, due to the need to improve its effectiveness. Ireland comes to mind. I may be wrong, but it seems that from now on the new EHE will be dedicated to giving vascophony coverage to campaigns that will make the independence of these Basque politicians possible. Therefore, in the Ikusmira document there is no criticism of the Basque agents.
Finally, I believe that the reference to disobedience is not credible. In fact, disobedience is a perfect tool that the EHE has been using over the years to achieve its objectives. Unfortunately, in recent years the liberates managing EHE have totally rejected disobedience through the EHE initiative. There is no more than a review of the newspaper library. In fact, there is currently an absolute submission in most areas. The Basque agents claim independence one day and the next day they will kneel to Madrid. And nobody gets flushed. Together with them will the new EHE disobey?
In short, it seems that the character and the decisive action in favor of the Basque Country of the historic EHE has ended, to the detriment of the Basque Country. In this case, the new EHE will have a short journey.
* Former EHE militant
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