The EH network Bizirik explained that Hernani was the city chosen to announce the demonstration: "The place we have met is an unbeatable example of the barbarity dimension that major companies and political institutions want to take forward. Repsol wants to implant in the Urumea mountains the largest wind estate in the Basque Country. However, being the largest, the route is the same as the other projects we have seen so far. Another project they will try to build for the benefit of companies, with the cooperation of the main institutions. In view of this, the citizens have already begun to organize themselves and the way has been opened to deal with these giants".
One of the objectives of the demonstration is "to point out the big business" that they are driving macro-projects, as explained by EH Bildu: "We want to point out to the big business people, such as Repsol, who want to take advantage of the economic items that come from Europe and are indebted to all the citizens. They are trying, directly or indirectly, to push these macro-projects forward."
They also seek to question the institutions with this manifestation: "We feel it is essential to point out the role that the main institutions of France, Spain, Navarre and the CAV are playing from Europe. These are, after all, those who are prioritising the benefit of companies over and above the well-being of citizens." The new Sectoral Territorial Plan which is about to be approved by the Basque Government is an example of this which EH Bildu considers: "This is a territorial organization that is about to go ahead without taking into account the opinion of the citizens. From EH Bildu, we demand that it be abandoned."
The manifestation will also demand "the end of the ecological catastrophe, beyond the false promises of green capitalism, beyond green capitalism". To do so, it has considered it "essential" to overcome the current economic model.
"We cannot fail to denounce the ongoing criminalization of land defense," said EH Bildu members. As an example of this, the two members of the collective Ostia de Ipar Euskal Herria have been arrested at 6 a.m. in their homes by the gendarmes. They were held at the Baiona police station until noon when they were arrested by the police.
The collective Ostia has denounced that this arrest is related to the entry on 20 January of some 60 people at the premises of the real estate agency Puyo. With this "peaceful and symbolic occupation", we wanted to denounce the speculative sale of Etxexuria, in the town of Aiherra, whose agency was mediating: The Etxexuria house was purchased in 2017 for 250,000 euros and is for sale at a price of 1,600,000 euros.
Returning to the press conference of EH Bildu, they also recalled "the 7 imputees who defended the communal lands of Aroztegi from the claws of a construction company". The movement against Carpentry went to the streets on 26 November to denounce the intention of condemning a total of seven people to 20 years in prison and a fine of 56,000 euros for a crime of "criminal group". Attorney Garbiñe Elizegi explained to ARGIA journalist Garazi Zabaleta that this allegation is "false": "They want to criminalise the movement and set a precedent," he added.
EH Bildu says about the case of the Ostia collective and the Aroztegi defendants: "The defense of territory cannot be criminalized and we have to deal with these absurdities that can create a critical precedent in the struggles for the defense of life in our peoples. They have all our solidarity and we appeal to all the actions of denunciation that are organised in their favour."
Eh Bildu called for a demonstration on 22 March in Vitoria-Gasteiz, because "only by joining forces will we be able to stop this macro-project offensive".
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