On Friday, the electoral boards of the three territories have met to count the votes of the Basques living beyond the Spanish State. Of the total number of foreign votes, 309 were for the PNV, 180 for EH Bildu, 158 for the PSE-EE, 113 for Elkarrekin Van-IU, 127 for pp+C's, 40 for Equo and 30 for Vox.
With the vote count on Friday there has been a change in the seats in Bizkaia: one of the seats has gone from being in the hands of EH Bildu to being in the hands of PP+C’s. On Sunday’s results, there was a strong competition between EH Bildu and PP+C’s, and EH Bildu finally took the seat that had been on the line. Foreign votes, however, have passed the seat to the left-wing coalition, which voted unanimously. Consequently, EH Bildu's candidate, Diana Urrea, will not enter the Basque Parliament and will take his place as Citizens' Deputy Luis Gordill.
Hauteskundeak izan dira oraingoan Euskal Herriaren mendebalde honetan, eta horien ondoren gerta ohi denez, erabateko garaipen loriatsua (auto)aldarrikatzera abiatu da prestu irabazten lar ohituta dugun EAJ.
Luza dakioke gaur EAJri esaldi klasikoan egiten den galdera: Non dago... [+]
Iñigo Urkullu jarduneko lehendakariak eta bere alderdiak hauteskunde kanpainan esan dutenez, “ezkerrekoak eta eskuinekoak jada ez dira existitzen”. Gaur egun EAEn nagusi den politikaren alternatibarik existituko ez balitz bezala, hau da, ez balego bezala... [+]
Data: 2020ko uztailaren 12a (igandea). Ordua: 13:00. Tokia: H. herriko bozkaleku nagusiko kanpoaldean dagoen banku bat. Eguraldia: orduak iraun dituen euri jasa baten azken tantak. Jende mugimendu etengabea atarian. Talde handirik ez. Gehienak banaka, binaka, trioren bat... [+]
On this occasion there have been elections in this western part of Euskal Herria, and as often happens, the PNV, very accustomed to winning, has launched itself to proclaim a glorious (self-)absolute triumph.
Today we can ask the PNV the question in the classical phrase: Where... [+]