In the last two years, the Independence Left has mobilized around November 20, and this year has also announced a “national demonstration” by EH Bildu general coordinator Arnaldo Otegi. He stressed the importance of fusion in the streets of Bilbao on 18 November, in a context of “inevitable territorial debate”: “The Basques must have a central role in this debate”.
He points out two reasons for explaining the specific importance of the national issue. On the one hand, the current autonomic model is “exhausted” and, on the other, that “the protection of plurinational forces is necessary” for any “progressive investiture” in Spain. In addition to Spain, it stresses that in the French State the national debate is open. In fact, the Canakesh people are engaged in dialogue with the Emmanuel Macron government by making proposals for constitutional change.
Otegi recalled that on 18 November he will have clarified the Spanish landscape: “We don’t know what’s going to happen, but there are two options. Repeat elections or coalition government between the PSOE and Sumar. We are clearly supporters of the second.” However, he said that, regardless of the situation, “the democratic solution to national problems” would be on the table. Even the coalition on the left believes that the territorial debate will “mark” the coming months and years.
On the future, Otegi has also responded that EH Bildu knows he has “real opportunities” to win the Basque election, but they are not “obsessed”. He says they are a “fresh alternative” to a “black and white” and “exhausted” government.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
The Dual sculpture, placed on Ijentea Street, was inaugurated on May 31, 2014 in tribute to the 400 Donostiarras executed by the Franco regime during the coup d'état of 36 and the subsequent war. It was an emotional act, simple, but full of meaning. There they were relatives and... [+]
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